Virgin galactic finally made it to space

Virgin Galactics second SpaceShipTwo, called VSS Unity, reached 82.4 kilometers above ground on the 13th of december, which, according to certain definitions, means that the company has now reached space for the first time.

On board, there were two pilots as well as a dummy doll that played the roll of a passenger. In the United States, everyone who has flown more than 50 kilometers above the ground are defined as astronauts. Others say that space begins at the so-called Karman line 100 kilometers above the ground, and within that definition Virgin Galactic hasn’t made it to space yet.

Virgin Galactics founder Richard Branson has stated that the company plans to fly space tourists, including himself, to space starting in March next year. And the price for a ticket would be around $250,000, which has been mentioned before.

In the added video here, Virgin Galactic, has pieced together some videoclips of the maiden voyage. Enjoy!

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