The Hexa drone is one giant passenger drone

The US company Lift Aircraft has shown its multi-engine Hexa which is supposed to be used for personal use for those who want to fly shorter stretches.Hexa has 18 rotors and the total weight is approximately 200 kilos. The relatively low weight allows Hexa to transport a person up to ten to fifteen minutes on a battery charge.

Start, landing and navigation are automatically managed via a control panel on an associated iPad, but it is also possible for the user to manually control Hexa with a joystick when in the air.Hexa conducted its maiden flight last month and will probably be shown a closer look at the SXSW festival in Austin in March next year. What a Hexa will cost and when you could possibly buy it, on that there is no information yet.

Here´s some information on it!

Eighteen independent electric motors and propellors are the only moving parts needed for perfectly stable, controlled flight.

Four perimeter floats provide stability while a large central float provides buoyancy for safe water landings.

A triply redundant autopilot computer with a single, 3-axis joystick is all that is needed to fly. Or tap on the seven inch touchscreen in “Look mom, no hands!” mode.

With an airframe built entirely of carbon fiber, Hexa weights in only 432lbs. and is compliant with the FAA’s Powered Ultralight classification so no pilot’s license is required to fly. Don’t worry, we’ll give you plenty of training!

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