Casino hacked through an aquarium

Online gadgets have become an ever-increasing cyberthreat, and many hackers have begun exploiting unprotected iot gadgets for their attacks. So the president of the security company Darktrace, Nicole Egan, said at the WSJ CEO Council Conference as Business Insider attended last week.

“There are many IOT machines. Everything from thermostats, refrigerators and air conditioning systems to people who bring their Alexa machine to work. There is simply very much iot. It increases the attack area, and much is not covered by traditional security, ” Nicole Eagan, president of the security company Darktrace, said at the WSJ CEO Council Conference

For example, Nicole Eagan spoke of a case her company recently worked with, where a casino lost data due to a connected thermostat in an aquarium that stood in their lobby.

“The perpetrators used this to gain a foothold in the network. Then they found a database of great games that they managed to pull out through the thermostat and into the cloud. ”

Present during the conference, Robert Hannigan, who led the British cyber intelligence service GCHQ between 2014 and 2017, agreed to Nicole Eagan’s concerns.

“The Internet of Things will scoop up thousands of new machines on the Internet in the coming years, and it is becoming a growing problem. I’ve seen a bank hacked through its surveillance cameras, which became possible when they were purchased for their low price only, “said Robert Hannigan at the conference.



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