OpenAI’s Project Strawberry: Advancing Reasoning AI Technology

The news agency Reuters has been in contact with sources who state that OpenAI is working on making its artificial intelligences better at reasoning and “thinking” on their own.

OpenAI’s project goes by the name “Strawberry” and previously went by the internal name “Q*”. The idea is that Strawberry will be significantly smarter than today’s AI solutions. Instead of just answering questions, AIs will in the future become sufficiently independent to be able to navigate the web independently and, with the help of reasoning, be able to carry out research and draw better conclusions on their own.

Currently, AIs can sometimes give answers that are neither correct nor seem to make much sense. This is because today’s AI lacks what we humans call common sense. This means that artificial intelligences sometimes answer questions with answers that can be completely off the wall, something that in the AI ​​world is called “hallucinations”.

OpenAI declined to comment on Reuters’ information about Strawberry. However, a spokesperson says in general terms about OpenAI’s future artificial intelligences:

“We want our AI models to see and understand the world more like we do. Continuous research into new AI capabilities is a common practice in the industry, with a shared belief that these systems will improve in reasoning over time.”

Source: Reuters

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