Spelunky 2 has been delayed!

Spelunky 2 was introduced in the fall of 2017 and developers Mossmouth’s plan was to launch the adventure in 2019. Now developer Derek Yu has announced that plan has been scrapped.

The developer relayed the bad news on twitter: “Unfortunately, I don’t think we’re going to get to release Spelunky 2 this year,” Yu said on his Mossmouth Twitter account. “Development is still going well and we’re not far off target, but the density and detail of the game is demanding more time.”

Yu did not however specify a new release date.

“As soon as we have a release date for [Spelunky 2], we’ll make sure everyone knows!”. “We can’t wait to show you more, although of course the best way is for you to experience it for yourself at launch.”

Source: Polygon

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